Having started their musical path heavily influenced by the fathers of Doom Metal, the quintet from the UK seems to have found its identity and has forged its own distinguishing sound. Expanding their perception of doom metal, FAMYNE enriched their music with lots of 70's rock, psychedelic/prog rock, and ambient elements and delivered a blow to the world with their debut album, simply called "Famyne". Between tours and gigs we had the chance to have a word with the band and get to learn about their story and overall plans. Check it out.
Greetings folks, thanks for taking the time to do this one. If not mistaken you are/were on tour recently, right? How did that go?
No problem. We were indeed; it was one hell of an experience – we met so many awesome people, watched some fantastic bands too, and got to see things that none of us would have seen, had it not been for the tour. People seemed to really dig us too, so that’s a bonus.
Can you introduce us to the story of FAMYNE? Who/when/where/etc did everything start?
It all started in late 2014, in Canterbury; we’ve been at it ever since…
Is there a special meaning behind your name, FAMYNE, or is it a wordplay to capture the attention of the audience?
Good question. It’s actually a song by OPETH that’s been personalised by us for various reasons. Do you think it captures the attention, then? Ah thanks!
How would you describe your music to someone that’s not familiar with it?
Canterbury Doom is usually our first recourse. But to be honest, we don’t make any specific efforts to stay within any given ‘sound’ so to speak – we write, play, and record our stuff that it might be interpreted by others – what they call it is up to them.
In 2015 you released the S/T EP. I’d say you sounded more “epic doom” back then. Where did you draw your influences/inspiration from?
Back then we were all very much under the SABBATH / SAINT VITUS / CANDLEMASS spell, as many bands tend to sound closer to their influence at the start; now we feel a more personal sound is being developed, as we go on. What do you think?
None of the material of that EP and later one-track single were included in your recently released debut. How come?
Several reasons, in no particular order: firstly, value for money; we didn’t want our fans paying twice for songs they already had. Secondly, keeping it fresh; as per the last question, our sound had since developed, and we felt it was time to make a better show of the present FAMYNE. Finally, since the release of the EP, we’d developed lots of new stuff, and as such were keen to show it off – it therefore didn’t leave any space for the earlier stuff, anyway.
From 2015 to this day [Oct 2018], what would you consider as your biggest achievement/highlight?
Playing at Bloodstock, and getting the privilege not only to tour Europe several times, but to be so well received each time.
Moving on to your debut. The first thing to notice is that you have a more minimalistic approach to… everything: From song titles and lyrics, to musical structures and album cover. What changed compared to the past?
That’s difficult to put your finger on, to be honest; one thing is for certain though, we’re very happy indeed with the direction in which we’re heading.
Speaking of music style/composition etc, songs in your debut are more lucid, dramatic and emotional. You’ve also introduced a few new elements (eg. “Ghosts”). Would you like to talk a bit about the whole thing?
Firstly, thank you for the compliment. In terms of new elements, anything we introduce is normally there because one or a few of us may, at some point during the writing and recording process, feel that something is either called for, or missing from a song (like the strings on Ghosts, for example) – then as long as the majority of band members agree, it gets done.
How does the songwriting process look like? Is there a “mastermind” that pulls the strings or is it a collaborative effort?
It’s collaborative, for sure; riffs are brought to the table from all of us, before being modified (the degree to which varies) and added to. We record every jam session as well, and later go through what we did ‘on the spur of the moment’ for stuff worth keeping. We’re increasingly having more focused sessions at each others’ houses now too; this allows us to edit and improve ideas with more specificity, and without us having to keep looking at the clock.
Could you share a few info about the recordings/production of the album?
We recorded in several places, but the lion’s share of it was done at Emeline Studios in Kent, UK – where the original EP was also done; Ian Sadler being the main producer and audio engineer there. He’s just great to work with, and we feel that he understands us better than most, along with the type of sound that we’re after. It’s a chill, no pressure environment, and there’s a Tesco ‘round the back, so that’s a bonus.
I was hooked by the album cover. Can you provide a few info about the artist and the overall concept behind it?
Vergvoktre – a Russian artist. Aside from that, we’re unable to give you much more information; not because it’s a secret, but because we don’t know, ourselves! After having seen what they could do online, we just had to get them involved. In terms of concept, it’s a mixture of both theirs and the band’s ideas – we feel that when the artwork is combined with the album’s musical and lyrical themes, the whole thing kind of speaks for itself.
If you were to describe “Famyne” in a sentence, which would that be?
Famyne. Just listen to it.
IIRC you’re not signed with any record label. Did you look for a label or was it DIY from the beginning?
It’s been DIY from the beginning, and it’s gone fairly well so far. With album 2, we may be looking to branch out, however. We’ve got several places in mind, but that’d be telling right now.
How can people get your album and contact you?
They can get our album on Vinyl, CD, or Digital Download direct from us at either our bandcamp (famyne.bandcamp.com) or in-person at a show; one of us should be there to say hi, or Justin (our head roadie and gentleman) will.
You come from a country where Doom is an integral part of its metal scene: CATHEDRAL, SOLSTICE, UNSILENCE, KING GOAT, IRON VOID, etc. How do you perceive the current UK metal scene?
There’s lots to be seen and heard in this country at the moment, in terms of doom, with bands taking the sound and pushing it in all sorts of new and interesting directions; it’s a hell of a time to be involved in music; we can’t wait to see where it’ll be at in a mere 5, 10, 20+ years.
What are your plans moving forwards? Should we expect a second album at some point?
You should. That, and lots of touring.
Given you had the chance (and unlimited budget), who would you like to work with on your next album and why?
Ooh tough question. We’re not very ‘name oriented’ to be honest; we’ll work with whomsoever suits us, and there are so many people out there who probably would that it’d be difficult to give you a name or list thereof.
That’s all on my end folks. Thank you once again for taking the time to do this. Best of luck with everything coming up!
Thank you, and thanks once again for your kind words in the album review.