Italy has always been one of the premier metal manufacturing countries of Europe with a shitload of obscure acts from BLACK HOLE to DOMINE, to classic metal bands like STRANA OFFICINA and lets not forget the place where the evolution of Europower took place (yes, I am talking about RHAPSODY). However Italian bands rarely have managed to achieve the status of German of British metal bands, probably because they didn’t had enough impact in the 80’s. Yet there are lots of bands out there that definitely worth checking.
TYTUS is a band of whom I never heard of, yet their stuff did proved to be quite good. Classic metal with references to the early days of our beloved music. References that include early (very, very early) IRON MAIDEN, ANGELWITCH, MOTORHEAD, some very early MOTLEY CRUE and generally metal with a hard rockish, vagrant attitude where modern acts like SLOUGH FEG or Bible of The Devil, pop up here and there.
Everything works quite well in this one. Both guitars, rhythm and leads seem to been in the right place while the vocals, though they do have the distinct Italian accent are fine. Songwriting is standardized, however not all of the songs dwell in the speed territory. Some tunes are slower with more melodic lines but worry not, this is just a small minority.
To sum up, i’d say that its a decent classic metal album. Quite nice however quickly forgettable.