UDO: Proceeds With Tour Despite Health Issues


Heavy Metal legends UDO put out a statement informing fans of Udo‘s health issues and plans for upcoming tour. The statement reads:

Unfortunately we have to tell you that Udo has a serious health problem since early January. He has pain in his left knee and couldn’t walk at all for a longer period. He has been to different specialists in Russia, Ibiza and Germany and now he is on a good way to recover. But he is still handicapped and can´t move that much without having pain.

Against all advises of the doctors he has decided to play the tour and not postponing it since he hates to let his fans down. But this means that he is a bit handicapped on stage and can´t move that much. We are very sorry for this but we still have the opinion that this is better than postponing the complete tour.

Thanks and see you all on tour!

UDO‘s latest album “Steelfactory” was released in 2018 by AFM Records.

UDO - Steelfactory

1. Tongue Reaper
2. Make the Move
3. Keeper of My Soul
4. In the Heat of the Night
5. Raise the Game
6. Blood on Fire
7. Rising High
8. Hungry and Angry
9. One Heart One Soul
10. A Bite of Evil
11. Eraser
12. Rose in the Desert
13. The Way

More info: facebook.com/udoonline