RAVENSIRE – A Stone Engraved In Red

RAVENSIRE – A Stone Engraved In Red
Cruz Del Sur Music
Released Year:
1. Carnage at Karnag2. Thieves of Pleasure3. Gabriel Lies Sleeping4. Dawning in Darkness5. Bloodsoaked Fields6. After the Battle7. The Smiting God8. The Games of Titus

First time i heard RAVENSIRE was when I bought their self titled EP. A warrior in the front cover, a couple of hairy guys wearing old school t-shirts but without the stylish stilted way most “retro” bands do and a word of reference from a friend was enough to invest a small amount of money to something that would grow big in me.

Yes RAVENSIRE is not just another epic/metal band. They are one of the few bands that have left, imbued with the true metal war painting of the mid-90’s and early 00’s, the years when the struggle against the modernized sound was a kind of a holy war. And don’t get me wrong i have nothing against the retro movement but some times it seems to be emotionless and staged, just another way for the music industry to cash on the fans. RAVENSIRE have nothing to do with this. Their sound is raw, barbaric yet full of emotion and passion. They dwell in the dark depths of the epic metal ocean: OMEN, MANOWAR, MANILLA ROAD, CIRITH UNGOL, HEAVY LOAD but they are not oblivious of the next generation of metal warriors: HOLY MARTYR, BATTLEROAR, DOOMSWORD, WRATHBLADE etc.

No you will not find emotional, softly played forlorn music here. RAVENSIRE are here to avenge not lament: Therefore Nuno and Mario sharpen their axes, seek influence from RUNNING WILD, GRAVE DIGGER, ACCEPT and other guitar driver metal acts and deliver straightforward hits into the chests of unaware listeners. The music is massive: galloping rhymes, simple yet effective leads and cherished vocals by mister Rick all of them combined with flawless songwriting.

Should i seek the finest moments, I would say “Dawning in darkness”, “Carnage at Karnag” and “After the battle” a song dedicated to Mark Shelton, one of the main influences of the band.

So the time is now! RAVENSIRE seek followers to their forced march into battle. Do not miss this heavy album since it bears the heart and soul of the underground heavy metal.

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