BATTLEROAR: Announces Departure of Gerrit Mutz


BATTLEROAR, epic metal powerhouse from Greece, announced the departure ofΒ Gerrit Mutz, singer of the band for the pastΒ 8 years with the band due to health issues, work and schedule conflicts. Gerrit Mutz has recorded two album with BATTLEROAR, “Blood of Legends” (2014) and “Codex Epicus” (2018), and has performed numerous shows in Greece and abroad.

Here’s the statement the band released earlier today:

All good things come to an end, so, unfortunately we would like to announce the departure of our singer and brother Gerrit Mutz from the band, after almost 8 glorious years!Β  Along with our sincere gratitude for everything we shared while being in the same band, we would like to express our best wishes on whatever he will do from now on and make clear that he remains our brother forever and beyond!

A farewell message in his own words, follows:

“It is with a heavy heart that I have to announce my departure from Battleroar today.

It was never easy to keep this going, being in a band abroad, but my brotherhood with Kostas and the love for the music kept me continue for way longer than feasible.
Now more and more health issues, work and schedule conflicts force me to cut a lot of activities and beloved things.

It was a pleasure playing and recording with Battleroar. And I want to thank Kostas, Michael, Sverd, Greg and George for the great time, the fantastic records and the wonderful gigs!

I wish you all my metal best for the future of the band! Keep the epic metal raging, brothers!”

More info:Β